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find list
Apr 12, 2022
In General Discussions
This is a great way to subtlety build a list without using a hard sell. (6) Bring a hard copy sign-up sheet to all of your face-to-face events or at your front desk. I attend lots of conferences and other small business events and most everybody has a sign up sheet. But with tiny little lines! So naturally, by the time I crammed in everything, it was mostly illegible. So I started leaving my business cards instead. And you know what? No one ever follows up! Get people's email addresses and use them! Collect email list business cards at face to face presentations or meetings. If you do lots of speaking events or presentations, tell your audience that you have even more information available, if they would be willing to leave their card with you and let you add them to your email list. Build a List by Asking For an Email Addresses On All of Your Forms. If you use contracts, letter of agreements or service agreements or forms of any kind for your business, change them to add email addresses to them. If people are filling out "name, rank and serial number" already, they will not balk at giving you their email.

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